Classics Club Spin #37

Perhaps it is ill-advised for me to participate in this spin, as I have several lengthy books on the go and several absorbing life changes on the go as well. On the bright side, I filed my taxes today so maybe I'm not as behind in life as I feel I am. We take the… Continue reading Classics Club Spin #37

Titles on Trend: Another Seven or Eight (or Nine) Books of Lives and Deaths and Full Names

As much as I’m treating this as a title “trend,” having found a clustering of similarly titled works throughout the last couple decades or so, it is by no means an exclusively modern phenomenon. The titling of classic works frequently followed a similar formula—for instance, the full title of the Dickens novel commonly called Nicholas… Continue reading Titles on Trend: Another Seven or Eight (or Nine) Books of Lives and Deaths and Full Names

5 Books With “Green” in Their Titles

It’s a shameless shtick, I know, to make a post about green on St. Patrick’s Day. However, I’ve thought about making posts about books with colours in their titles for a long time, so I might as well take advantage of the coincident events to start with books I’ve read with the colour “green” in… Continue reading 5 Books With “Green” in Their Titles

Titles on Trend: Wives & Daughters, Pt. 2

Finally, the long-awaited conclusion to this two-part series of Titles on Trend: the “daughters” portion of “Wives & Daughters.” If you didn't catch the first part, the "wives," check it out here. I easily compiled a list of books following the same pattern of “The [insert occupation of choice here]’s Daughter” without even fudging the… Continue reading Titles on Trend: Wives & Daughters, Pt. 2

Titles on Trend: Wives & Daughters, Pt. 1

So, a couple years ago I came across a thread expressing outrage about a headline for an article that was about a collaborative art exhibition. The headline in question, rather than including the names of the artists, identified the two women by their respective husband and father, who just happened to both be somewhat famous… Continue reading Titles on Trend: Wives & Daughters, Pt. 1